Pokkén Tournament Wiki
Pokkén Tournament Wiki

Pokkén Tournament DX is a game for the Nintendo Switch, released on September 22, 2017. It is an upgraded version of Pokkén Tournament.


Characters in Pokkén Tournament
AegislashBlastoiseBlazikenBraixenChandelureCharizardCroagunkDarkraiDecidueyeEmpoleonGarchompGardevoirGengarLucarioMachampMewtwoPikachuPikachu LibreSceptileScizorShadow MewtwoSuicuneWeavile
Unlockable characters in the Wii U version in italics. Characters not in the Wii U version in bold.

Compared to the Wii U edition, Pokkén Tournament DX adds in five new characters, four of which were previously seen in arcades. Decidueye, followed by the post-launch DLC characters such as Aegislash and Blastoise has also been added as an exclusive character to this version of this game.
